Unicorn Family Care is the vision of two South Delta moms who have personally managed a household, raised children, overcame health crises, and juggled conflicting schedules, all while attempting to maintain a career with little, to no, family support. They have personally navigated through exhaustion, witnessed relationships fail, missed out on career prospects, and, without realizing it, became truly engulfed in caring for others and lost themselves. BUT YOU DON’T HAVE TO- WE ARE HERE TO HELP!

We have a rigorous hiring process for every team member to guarantee exceptional family support. We consider age preferences, health restrictions, hobbies, career aspirations, and more to make tailored decisions for each family's needs. We only hire those we trust with our loved ones - no exceptions.

Unleash the power of simplicity and experience magic in managing your family's needs. With Unicorn Family Care, you can bid farewell to the stress of interviewing caregivers, doing background checks, waiting for their availability, juggling schedules, and dealing with the cash scramble upon your return. All it takes is a few taps to make the unicorn magic happen.

Reclaim your freedom, independence, and individuality with help from... Unicorn Family Care- a modern approach to Family Care!